About Us

Serving Exeter Since 1954

Exeter Veterans Memorial Building has been the community’s gathering place since 1954. It’s spacious hall offers room for dancing, meetings, banquets, and most any other kind of event you would like to host. Contact management at (559) 592-2263, for information.

Board of Directors

The Exeter Veterans District Board is made up of community members.

Board Meetings

The Exeter Veterans Board meets at 5:00 pm every second Tuesday of the month. Agendas are available for dowloading.


The staff works to provide a clean environment and provides accommodations for meetings and events.


As part of the California Special District Association, we are committed to transparency and accountability.

Mission Statement

Since 1954, we’ve been partnering with veterans and local non-profit organizations to provide a place for the community to gather and work together to promote this community’s ideals.

Exeter Veterans Memorial District is part of the California Special Districts Agency.

Learn More about Special Districts and how they work for you at DistrictsMakeTheDifference.org

The Veterans Memorial District provides a place where people can come to celebrate not only wedding anniversaries but to honor our veterans.

Veterans Memorial Districts help honor the nearly 2 million veterans residing in California

Veterans Memorial Districts provide a permanent living memorial to United States veterans


The Exeter Veterans Memorial Building exists to serve our community and veterans of the United States military corps.

Veteran's Meetings

Our local Veterans service organizations meet in the Exeter Veterans Memorial Building.

Space Rentals

If you are interested in renting our facilities for your special event, please call (559) 592-2263.
